About Us
principal designer
lover of:
beauty | goofiness | good grammar | fuzzy critters | life
Hey there! I'm Michelle, the design principal and founder of Max Gallerie Design. My formal design journey began with a BFA in Interior Design, but my passion for creating has been a lifelong pursuit. Whether it's art, photography, pottery, or building furniture, I'm always eager to explore new creative avenues.
I specialize in designing and planning a diverse range of spaces—from residential projects and trade show booths to photography sets, product displays, signage, retail environments, and showrooms. While I'm often hired to focus on the interior architecture of a space so that it functions well for individuals, families, and businesses, I also love furnishing and styling the spaces that I've designed.
My passion lies in understanding each client's unique style and needs to meticulously create the perfect space and curate ideal pieces that reflect their essence.
Ready to collaborate? Send me a message with your project details, and let's create something extraordinary together!
Until then, enjoy, stay well, and have fun!
OH, and thanks for visiting our website!
I look forward to learning more about you!